• Urban park would provide a green space for relaxation, recreation, and socializing. It would offer a serene environment where residents can escape the urban hustle and bustle, enjoy nature, and engage in outdoor activities.

  • The park would serve as a gathering spot for residents to come together, fostering a sense of community and social connection. It could be an ideal venue for community events, picnics, outdoor performances, and other cultural activities.

  • Access to green spaces has been linked to improved physical and mental well-being. The park would offer opportunities for exercise, walking, jogging, and biking, promoting an active and healthy lifestyle for residents of all ages.

  • The presence of a well-designed and well-maintained urban park can enhance property values in the surrounding area. It can make the neighborhood more attractive to homebuyers and potentially contribute to a positive economic impact.

  • The development and ongoing management of an urban park can generate employment opportunities. These may include construction jobs during the park's development phase, as well as ongoing positions for park maintenance, security, event management, and other related services.

  • Urban parks create community cohesion by bring people from diverse backgrounds together, fostering a sense of community and social cohesion. When residents feel a sense of ownership and connection to their community, it can lead to increased vigilance and a collective effort to maintain safety. By transforming an underutilized or neglected area into a vibrant park, the space becomes a positive focal point for the community. This can help reclaim the area from illicit activities and create an atmosphere that encourages positive interactions and engagement.

  • Transforming a parking lot of DOT vehicles into an urban park would significantly improve the visual appeal of the area. The addition of landscaping, public art installations, seating areas, and creative lighting would create a more aesthetically pleasing environment for both residents and visitors.